Good Times Bad Times Tab Pdf
Heartbreaker2.jpg' alt='Good Times Bad Times Tab Pdf Files' title='Good Times Bad Times Tab Pdf Files' />Contents Preface 5 Roadmaps for the Soul 9 Harp Keys 23 1 Bob Dylan 33 28 Biograph 855 2 The Freewheelin Bob Dylan 71 29 Knocked Out Loaded 883 3 The Times The Are. Good science, bad interpretation This week the Journal of the American Medical Association JAMA published a study entitled Effects of Dietary Composition on Energy Expenditure During Weight Loss Maintenance. While Im guessing most readers have not read this study, Im pretty sure most of you have heard about the results as it was all over the news this week. People who know me well know that as sure as Tuesday follows Monday there are few things I can resist less than homemade whipped cream and something I like to call teaching moments. Giddy updid this weeks press coverage ever offer a fantastic opportunity for the latter. While this paper was published this week, I was fortunate enough to read an embargoed copy two weeks ago with the caveat that I could not speak about it until it was released publicly. Furthermore, Im friends with one of the reviewers who told me two months ago that a very interesting paper was going to hit a high impact factor journal very soon. Completing my disclosure, I have become acquainted with the senior investigator on this study, Dr. David Ludwig at Harvard, and will be meeting him in the near future to discuss a follow up study. This study sought to test an important question When an overweight or obese person loses weight, how does their choice of macronutrients impact their tendency to regain lost weightThis is important, of course, because as most of us know that while losing weight is difficult, keeping it off is even more difficult. In fact, as the authors point out, only about 1. The obvious question is why Youll recall from this post, that we must always obey the First Law of Thermodynamics. In other words, we accumulate stored energy e. BibMe Free Bibliography Citation Maker MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard. Wellbutrin Nicotine Patch on this page. Good Times Bad Times Tab Pdf' title='Good Times Bad Times Tab Pdf' />Todays blog is a review to the SAP Learning Hub. Some of my colleagues got a subscription and I want to give some feedback. The header gives a clue, I think there. Energy balance is a function of two variables Energy input what we eat. Energy output what we expend. Furthermore, energy output can be broken down into four sub components Resting energy expenditure REE the amount of energy expended to stay alive at rest e. Thermic effect of food TEF the amount of energy required to process and digest food I also include in this category the amount of energy lost as undigested material in stoolActivity energy expenditure AEE the amount of energy expended by exercise and non exercise movement I consider these as two forms of expenditureThe sum of REE, TEF, and AEE is called, appropriately, total energy expenditure TEE. Of these, REE is the dominant sink of energy output in most people, and it is generally proportional to bodyweight. Ill cover the importance of this momentarily. The traditional model of obesity, the so called calories in calories out model, says that obesity is caused by the energy input terms exceeding the energy output terms. In the words of one prominent obesity researcher I had dinner with last month, While it is mathematically true that someone who has gained weight has consumed more energy than they have expended, using the First Law to explain why someone gains weight is of little help. The First Law is descriptive but not explanative. I couldnt have said that better myself. The mistake most folks make when using the First Law to explain weight gain versus using the First Law to describe weight gain is that they lose sight of the fact that these variables input, REE, TEF, AEE are linked. They are dependent on each other. They dont exist in isolation. Proponents of the Alternative Hypothesis argue that intake i. For example, eating one food over another can increase or decrease appetite, increase or decrease REE, increase or decrease AEE, and even impact TEF. While the effect on each of these may be modest in isolation, even small changes over the course of days can result in significant changes over months or years. What does all of this have to do with this study The figure below shows how the study was conducted. This was a prospective design 3 way crossover study of 2. BMI of 3. 4. 4. Each subject underwent a 2. During the run in phase all baseline measurements are collected, including body composition by DEXA, TEE by doubly labeled water, substrate utilization by respiratory quotient, and plasma levels of various blood markers e. No, unfortunately, lipoprotein particles were not counted. During the 1. 2 week weight loss phase caloric intake was reduced until each subject lost 1. For the final 4 weeks of the run in phase energy intake was again calibrated to hold their now reduced weight stable. The figure below summarizes the data from Table 1 of the paper, showing the breakdown of macronutrients during the run in phase and the subsequent 3 dietary interventions, each lasting 4 weeks. Again, each subject did each diet for 4 weeks due to the 3 way cross over design. In other words, each subject spent a total of 3. How did the diets impact energy expenditure The figure below shows the change in REE and TEE measured for all groups. There was no difference in total physical activity or exercise, so presumably there was no appreciable change in AEE. I could not find a mention of TEF, suggesting it was not measured. These figures are a bit ugly, but they convey helpful information. Each dot represents an individual subject and the lines joining each dot allow you to see the change for each subject across the 3 diets. The blue box shows the mean change middle of the box with the 9. The height of the box is therefore two standard deviations. A few things stand out from these results The group consuming a very low carbohydrate diet had a higher REE and TEE than the low GI group, which had a higher REE and TEE than the low fat group. In other words, the fewer carbohydrates in the diet, the higher the resting and overall expenditure. This is actually the sine qua non of the alternative hypothesis something beyond the actual number of calories is playing a role in how the body expends energy. As expected, given that each subject was starting from a weight reduced state, the REE was lower for each group, relative to their baseline. REE is highly though clearly not entirely dependent on body mass. There is enormous variation between subjects by diet type. For example, at least one subject saw a dramatic increase in TEE on the low GI diet versus the other two, while another saw the greatest TEE on the low fat diet. This speaks to a theme I iterate on this blog be willing to self experiment until you find what works for you. How did the diets impact metabolic parameters The table below shows the changes in hormone levels and metabolic syndrome biomarkers. One thing that really jumped out at me was that it is quite likely that not one of the subjects in the study met the formal criteria for metabolic syndrome. MS requires at least 3 of the 5 parameters blood pressure, waist girth, fasting glucose, HDL C, and TG exceed threshold. The thresholds are as follows BP 1. No subject met this at baselineWaist girth 4. Not reported, but lets assume at least some subjects met thisFasting glucose 1. Good Times Bad Times Tab Pdf Guitar' title='Good Times Bad Times Tab Pdf Guitar' />L Not reported, but lets assume at least some subjects met thisFasting TG 1. L No subject met this at baselineHDL C lt 4. L men, lt 5. 0 mgd. L No male subject met this, but its possible some female subjects didThis may speak to the age of the subjects, which averaged 3. I would have expected a worse set of baseline metabolic parameters. How to Force Close Just One Tab in Chrome. There are two kinds of people in this world impossibly organized saints. Chrome at any given time. Sure, keeping all those tabs open is its own kind of organizationIm saving this to read later, I need that open for referencebut when one of those pages becomes unresponsive and we need to force quit Chrome, the whole house of cards comes crashing down. Its important to know how to force quit a frozen program, but even better, when it comes to Chrome, is to quit just the single unresponsive page, and Make Use Of has the trick Figure out which tab is frozen and make sure its not just loading very slowly. Then open Chromes Task Manager from the Window menu up top to see all of the processestabs and extensionsthat Chrome is running. Click on the tab you want to kill, and then click End Process. Et voil Though maybe next time, if you refuse the call to close your tabs, try something like the One. Tab extension to help keep your tab habit a little more under control.