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Energetic Balancing Program


Chakra Balancing and Healing Crystals Stones and Colors. Color, crystals and gemstones are an easy way to open and balance the Chakras. Each of our Chakras has its own unique healing color, which are also the same colors that appear in a rainbow. These pure, spectral colors can be used to energetically influence the senses, balancing the body, mind and soul. Colors, like each of the Chakra sounds, also have frequencies, measured in terahertz, and wavelengths measured in nanometers. A very powerful Chakra meditation is to breath in color with each breath, imagine breathing in a particular Chakra color, and direct this charged Prana the Life giving Energy of the Universe, which we take in through the air we breath to that Chakra, infusing it with Life energy. The 7 Chakras are also connected to the seven layers of the aura the Etheric, Emotional, Mental, Astral, the Etheric Template, Celestial and Ketheric Template of layers the aura. B06aKNbeBOsPZApo3ejzY5fywAw=/400x0/gi-chios-energy-hand-56afbb405f9b58b7d01c596c.jpg' alt='Energetic Balancing Program' title='Energetic Balancing Program' />Energetic Balancing ProgramYou can find out more about the different layers of the aura as they are associated with the Chakras by clicking on the individual Chakra links to the left. Each Chakra also has healing crystals and chakra healing stones of co ordinated Chakra colors, which can be used in gemstone and crystal healing. Chakra stone and color healing has a profound effect physically, emotionally and spiritually if our Chakras are blocked or drained, then our body, spirit and mind can not function properly. Clearing and balancing our Chakras with Chakra colors, gemstones, crystals and Chakra sounds, our breath, and positive affirmations can easily and effectively, bring us back into a vibrant and healthy energetic balance. Crystals Chakra Stones Chart. The ROOT CHAKRAS color is red, other colors associated with the Root Chakra are black brown, and gray. Chakra stones like garnet, onyx, and red jasper are beneficial. The NAVEL CHAKRAS color is orange. Chakra stones like carnelian and orange zincite help to bring the system into balance. The SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRAS color is yellow. Chakra stones like citrine and yellow sapphire are used. The HEART CHAKRAS color is green and the secondary color is pink. Chakra stones like rose quartz orgreen tourmaline are useful. Energetic Balancing Program' title='Energetic Balancing Program' />The THROAT CHAKRAS color is blue like aqua or turquoise, secondary colors are various shades of lighter blues. Chakra stones like turquoise or blue lace agate balance this chakra. The BROW CHAKRAS color is indigo or shades of dark blue. Chakra stones like lapis lazuli orsodalite compliment this area. The CROWN CHAKRAS color is purple, the secondary color is clear or white. Chakra stones likeamethyst or clear quartz are perfect. Matrix Energetics is a complete system of transformation that produces observable and verifiable changes which can be taught to anyone. Matrix Energetics. About Sara Gottfried MD. Sara Gottfried, MD is the New York Times bestselling author of the new book, Younger A Breakthrough Program to Reset Your Genes, Reverse. Organic Skin Care Affiliate Program Olay Pro X Anti Aging Organic Skin Care Affiliate Program Naturasil Skin Tag Remover Reviews Olay Anti Wrinkle Costco Double. Clearing Programming Chakra Crystals Stones. Chakra crystals are a tool and can be like a storage battery for thought energy. Bio-Resonance.jpg' alt='Energetic Balancing Program' title='Energetic Balancing Program' />Instead of using a simple lifetime average, Udemy calculates a courses star rating by considering a number of different factors such as the number of ratings, the. MojoandUma.jpg' alt='Energetic Balancing Program' title='Energetic Balancing Program' />Clearing has to do with the energy of the stone or crystal. Chakra crystals can be programmed with our thought energy and then act on our subtle chakra energy fields. They also to help to create situations in our lives that will lead us in directions that allow positive growth and healing. Clearing a Chakra crystal or gem stone is a simple task, and it is a way to insure that there are no left over negative energies from the person who owned it before you. It is a way to personalize your Chakra crystal, and create a new energy bond between you and your new gem stone partner. There are many ways to do this, but this is a simple and effective way make sure you will not be disturbed. Hold your new crystal under running water, and as the water pours over it, close your eyes and imagine all the negative energies are washed away down the drain and out to the vast ocean to be purified by the cycles of life. You can also leave them in the warm sun, and allow the power of its light purify to the crystal with fire. To program your new Chakra crystal, simply hold it in your hand, close your eyes, then in your imagination, create an image of what you want your crystal or gem stone to help you create. Keep your Chakra crystal close to your skin, and when you can not wear it, store it in a special box or bag, which has also been purified and blessed. Fill your crystal companions with love, and you will recieve it back threefold Metaphysical Properties of Crystals Gemstonesto shop e. Bay for crystals, just click on the name of the crystals and stones that interest you belowAgate Balances ying yang energy, stabilizes the aura. Imparts strength and courage. Opens one to innate creative talents. Amber Purifies body, mind, and spirit. Balances electromagnetics of the body and allows even flow of energies. Provides a positive, soothing energy. Spiritualizes the intellect. Amethyst Calming energy. Encourages spirituality and contentment. Stone of stability, strength, and peace. Excellent for meditation. Enhances psychic ability. Aventurine Independence, leadership, creativity. Balances male and female energies. Aligns intellectual, physical, emotional, and etheric bodies. Aquamarine Courage, intellect, protection. Assists spiritual awareness and actualization. Azurite Awakens psychic ability, insight, and intuition. Excellent for clearing the mind for meditation. Amazonite Balancing energy, harmony, Fosters Universal love. Bloodstone Bloodstone imparts strength, courage, and the self confidence needed to succeed in business and legal affairs. Attracts wealth, sexual potency, insures victory. Calcite Energy amplifier, excellent for clearing and cleansing. Carnelian Carnelian is ahealing stone that counteracts feelings of apathy, fear and rage. Fosters peace within and without, imparts self confidence, and inspired verbal and written communication. Celestite Excellent stone for dream recall and astral travel. Chrysocolla Strength and balance. Promotes harmony and attunement to the Earth. Purifies ones environment. Citrine Dissipates negative energy. Warmth, joy, and optimism. Diamond Purity, perfection, abundance, and inspiration. Emerald Loyalty, sensitivity, harmony, and tranquility. Assists in memory retention and mental clarity. Fluorite Stability, order, discernment, and concentration. Helps one to understand and maintain ideals. Fucite Fosters loyalty, emotional sensitivity, harmony, and tranquility. Assists in memory retention and mental clarity. Attracts balance, abundance and prosperity. Garnet Commitment, devotion, love, stability and order. Even flow of energy. Hematite Excellent for the mind, and grounding. Jade Harmony, peace, fidelity, confidence. A great dream stone. Jasper Protection, awareness, insight, and grounding. Kunzite Communication, love and peace. Protects and dissolves negativity. Excellent for meditation. Kyanite Never needs cleaning or clearing, aligns all chakras. Tranquility, communication, and psychic awareness. Excellent for meditation and dream recall. Labradorite Represents the light of the Universe, extra terrestrial energy. Intuition and illumination. Lapis Lazuli Knowledge, wisdom, perfection, protection, and creative expression. Lepidolite Honesty, stability, hope, acceptance. Assists in change and transition. Rapidshare Whitecap Gold more. Facilitates astral travel. Lodestone Lodestones are natural magnets, and for many centuries, have been used to charge spell items, primarily to attract things to the one using them good luck, healing, money, love. Malachite Transformation and spiritual development. Clears the way to attain goals. Moldavite Clarity and eternity. Extra terrestrial and interdimensional access. Moonstone Lunar female energy. Emotional and intuitive. Rhythms, cycles, and destiny.